- Organisation Name: Coastal Digestive Health
- HHS: N/A
- Services Offered: Clinical trials site
- Website Address:
- Contact: Ms Sharon Kayrooz-
- Other Affiliated Research Sites: N/A
-26.658069 - 153.081651
Is your Facility able to initiate study activities prior to Ethics Committee protocol approval?
How long before Ethics Committee review is the Submission Packet required?
2 weeks
- HREC Committee Name: Bellberry Limited
- Meeting frequency: Other
- Types of HREC (IRB/ERB/ETHICS) Committee that are used: Central Acting as Local
- Mandate distribution of safety: Yes
- Meeting frequency: Other
- Types of HREC (IRB/ERB/ETHICS) Committee that are used: Central Acting as Local
- Mandate distribution of safety: Yes
Facility staffing and training
- Handling Investigational Product: Yes
- Training program for the research staff: Yes
- Include GCP: Yes
- Facility written sop during transportation to satellite site: Not Applicable
- Training program for the research staff: Yes
- Include GCP: Yes
- Facility written sop during transportation to satellite site: Not Applicable
Licenses to receive, store, dispense and return controlled substances
- Required Licenses or Registrations: Yes
- Does the Facility have the ability to handle radio-labelled Investigational Products? Yes
- Does the Facility have the ability to handle radio-labelled Investigational Products? Yes
- Investigational Product: N/A
- Centrifuge: Yes
- Refrigerated Centrifuge: Yes
- Centrifuge: Yes
- Refrigerated Centrifuge: Yes
Patient Records
- Record Archiving: Yes
- EMR/EHR systems: In-house system
- Has your Clinical Trial Site or Service been accredited? Yes
- Audit Type: Sponsor; Bellberry
- EMR/EHR systems: In-house system
- Has your Clinical Trial Site or Service been accredited? Yes
- Audit Type: Sponsor; Bellberry
Investigational product storage Capabilities
- Refrigerator (2 to 8 Degrees C): Yes
- Freezer (-20 to -30 Degrees C): Yes
- Investigational Freezer (-70 to -80 Degrees C): No
- Investigational Freezer (Liquid Nitrogen -135 Degrees C): No
- Does this equipment have back-up power? No
- Does this equipment provide Min/Max Temperature Monitoring? Yes
- Do you have the ability to generate a temperature monitoring log for this equipment? Yes
- Does this equipment have a temperature alarm? Yes
- Do you have an SOP which supports calibration of this equipment? Yes
- Freezer (-20 to -30 Degrees C): Yes
- Investigational Freezer (-70 to -80 Degrees C): No
- Investigational Freezer (Liquid Nitrogen -135 Degrees C): No
- Does this equipment have back-up power? No
- Does this equipment provide Min/Max Temperature Monitoring? Yes
- Do you have the ability to generate a temperature monitoring log for this equipment? Yes
- Does this equipment have a temperature alarm? Yes
- Do you have an SOP which supports calibration of this equipment? Yes
How long prior to HREC meeting does the application need to be submitted?
2 weeks